Supplements Client Coaching Information Page
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I’m not a big believer in over-supplementation.
I do think there are some good ones out there, but, the vast majority of supplements aren’t necessary for most fitness goals.
In certain situations and certain times, they are appropriate. However, no amount of supplementation will make up for a poor diet.
I listed the supplements that are OPTIONAL and that are backed up by un-biased research.
Nothing here is mandatory.
I’ve included links here for your convenience (just hover and click).
None of them are affiliate links. These are links to products I personally use or recommend.
Please feel free to go with other brands if you wish.
1. Supplements you (may) need*
(*if you train fasted)
Protein Powder
If you do fasted training, then taking 1 scoop of protein powder is my recommendation.
Drink it about 10-15 minutes before weight training sessions (not needed before fasted cardio sessions.
2. Supplements I Recommend
Omega 3
“Everyone knows” fish oils are good for them. Many don’t realize that it’s actually the Omega 3 in fish oils that are good for you.
Of these people, even fewer people realize that it’s the EPA and DHA within the Omega 3’s that is the stuff with the health benefits.
“Currently, there are many products on the market that claim to contain health-promoting “omega 3″, but contain only ALA, not EPA or DHA.” Read the full Wikipedia article and the extensive “Health Benefits” section here.
The manufacturers of the supplements exploit this ignorance. Do not fall for this.
Buy a high quality fish oil supplement with high levels of EPA and DHA.
We want to hit those numbers above without having to take a ridiculously high number of soft-gels (and thus fat) a day.
Take per prescribed label.
(Note: A quality multivitamin may have sufficient doses of calcium)
Take per prescribed label.
Vitamin D
Take per prescribed label.
(Note: A quality multivitamin may have sufficient doses of vitamin D)
Protein Powder
This is just to make your life easier if you have trouble hitting your protein numbers.
Note: Protein powders are all over the board in terms of taste and texture. If you already take a high quality protein powder that you enjoy, stick with it.
3. Supplement FAQ
Q: What about whey protein?
A: Whey is a fast digesting protein. This should not be consumed with your last meal of the day. It can be consumed as part of your other meals.
On this diet, for reasons of rates of digestion (whey protein is digested very quickly which may leave you hungry), it’s best to not take it alone.
Q: What about creatine?
A: If you have not been taking creatine, then please do not start taking it. If you’ve been taking creatine, then please continue taking it. Do not change course of action halfway through.
- Creatine causes increased water uptake in the muscles.
- If you add it in when we have already started, we will lose objectivity in the measurements and tracking process.
- It can take up to 30 days for creatine to take full effect.
Q: What about Pre-workout products?
A: In my opinion, black coffee is a great pre-workout supplement. The caffeine contained within provides energy, focus and is thermogenic (helps burn more calories).
Pre-workout products (that are not coffee) are not essential, but they can help wake you up and give you a boost of energy.
I personally stick with black coffee and that works great for the vast majority of people.
However, if you decide to take a pre-workout product, check out Total War by Redcon1 or Pulse by Legion Athletics.
There are a lot of products out there. Take one if you wish, but make sure it is under 50kCal if you train fasted.
None of the above is to be taken as medical advice.
Always consult a doctor.
If you have any questions about any other supplements you’d like to take, let me know and I will do my best to give my opinion and research if it’s worth taking.