It’s time!

You have been saving up your hard earned money to get ready for your summer beach vacation. The gym is still a bit intimidating to go at it solo so you decide to hire a trainer.

Finding an excellent trainer isn’t the easiest thing to do. The barrier of entry into the field of personal training can range from a weekend course to months of study depending on the certification.

Most of what defines a good trainer has nothing to do with the type of certification or length of study. Rather it’s everything that happens beyond the certification. A good trainer is someone who is passionate about health and fitness, knowledgeable, a good communicator and most importantly, gets results.

Here are 12 ways to spot a trainer you want to run far far away from…

1. They don’t look the part.

Interested in getting that six pack or fitting into your favorite jeans? Take a look to see if your trainer is lean. Does it look like they practice the nutritional guidelines they’re preaching?

If not, it’s probably best to stay away.

Trainers should be seen as role models and beacons of hope for your goals, not as someone you have to wrestle with in your mind about the advice their giving because it doesn’t add up.

Why would you listen to someone to tell you to eat only whole foods when it’s clear they’re hitting up the McDonald’s drive thru after your session?

2. They use high pressure sales tactics.

Good trainers explain what they do, why they do it, and how they can help you. Pushing sales without demonstrating value is a red flag.

3. They don’t give you homework.

Gone are the days of paying your fifty plus dollars just for a workout. People are much more aware that there is much more to being healthy than just exercise. Nutrition, recovery, sleep, tissue quality and mobility are just as important if not more important than exercise. Your trainer should be addressing these and incorporating them into your goals.

4. They don’t track your workouts, diet, or measurements.

Lack of structure and tracking = lack of results. Nuff said.

5. They don’t provide concrete actionable nutrition advice.

It’s pretty much impossible to out exercise a poor diet.

Ever talked to a trainer and asked what and how to eat to lose 20lbs? It’s possible you may see their eyes glaze over and wildly look around as if looking around is going to magically pull the answers to your questions out of thin air. And even if the nutritional advice is sound, do you walk away with a plan?

Save your money my friend.

6. They’re rep counters.

Counting reps is part of a trainers job, but if they aren’t coaching you through the movements, they’re just collecting your hard earned money.

7. They use machines.

There’s a time and place for machines. Most times they are warranted if you have an injury or limitation. But if the bulk of your session is using machines and compound movements and free-weights then you may start to look for a new trainer.

8. They are on their phone during your session.

This is unprofessional and disrespectful.

9. You get injured at the gym.

It’s a trainers job to help you reach your goals while keeping you healthy and injury free.

10. They push supplements.

Supplements are not necessary for the vast majority of fitness goals and most times a waste of money. Certain times and for certain situations, supplements may help but it is a very small piece of the fitness pie.

11. You’re not getting results in 30 days.

30 days is enough to get stronger, feel better, and your clothes to fit looser. If this isn’t happening, it’s time to move on.

12. You can’t call them a friend.

Personal training at it’s core is a relationship. This relationship so happens to involve sweat, fun, laughs, strength, and looking and feeling better. You get to know this person really well and what makes them tick. Building trust, honesty, and integrity with this relationship ensures success with your fitness goals.